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Free Workout Fitness Tips Video

Sexy Butt

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Do you have a firm, pert butt or is it droopy, flabby or cannot be seen there? How to have a very sexy butt like the one Jennifer Lopez had? Well, for me the only two way to gain that is by going to the plastic surgery specialist and by doing effective exercises focused on the butt. There are lots of exercises out there to try out. It is only the matter of time that will be the great obstacle.

At the same time, we should always practice a good eating habit. Eat more of lean protein and cut off those food which is high in fat. Forget those fried and greasy food like the one made using lot of margarine and butter.

This is for people whom their nature of work made them to always engage to their table and chair only. Move it, move it like you are working with it. Or provide 3-5 mins before each work session to do an exercise beforehand. That will not only made you sexier each day, but it also can help you manage your work stress well.

And now, as what it meant to be, I am posting the blog with the latest (and easiest) exercise to do to maintain a healthy, nice butt. May you'll glow with the happiness that shine by your healthy living...

notes : try to do one exercise each day, and then combine all for better result

Lol..This exercise is very funny, hurmm..yet effective. Why not give it a try!

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posted by Norhayati, 10:41 PM | link | 0 comments |

Beginner yoga: cobra pose

Friday, December 28, 2007

posted by Norhayati, 10:13 PM | link | 0 comments |

Aerobic VS Yoga

I came up to this topic not because I want to compare the effectiveness of doing yoga vs doing an aerobic. I just want to share an experience of doing aerobic (which is dance aerobic) and yoga.

I started doing dance aerobic about 5 years ago with "Paula Abdul Get Up and Dance" (this is the title of the video if I'm not mistaken :P). The exercise was very "user friendly" and very "sweat generated" that I was very proud to be myself. I did this dance aerobic 2 days a week (on weekend).

Then I got married and gave birth to a son. It was like the time is not enough for me to did my dance. Doing my job as a lecturer, breastpump at work (I fully breastfeed my baby), then doing home chores, attend my son need, husband needs...bla..bla..bla. The chores goes on and on until I found out one day that I felt very weak (not sick).

I knew that lack of exercise made me feel weak. But for the time being, I may not practice aerobic because it may consume much of the time. So I choose to be a yoger (sorry for the word, I refer my self as a yoger : a person practicing yoga).

I had bought "Yoga For Beginner by Denise Austin. So, I woke up 30 mins early every morning (whenever my son is still sleeping and not breastfeed). The move is very easy for me to do, so I can do the move even without watching the video.

The result was so excellent. My husband said that I look more gorgeous and lean after doing that for just a week!

And for me, I love doing both dance aerobic and yoga. It is for the sake of time that I have to only practice yoga as my exercise regime.

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posted by Norhayati, 9:11 PM | link | 0 comments |

Beginner Yoga: Breathing

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

posted by Norhayati, 9:45 PM | link | 0 comments |